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Why Your Illinois Law Firm Blog Isn't Working

Writer's picture: JC SerranoJC Serrano

Common Legal Blogging Mistakes Reduces Lawyer ROI In Illinois

A lot of Lawyer SEO experts advise you to start a legal blog. This is because it's a proven law firm content marketing strategy that can generate leads and boost ROI.

That said, not every legal blog succeeds. But why?

The simple answer could be that you're making a few mistakes that are pulling them down the SERP rankings or getting passed on by your target audience. However, since legal blogging involves a few strategic decisions, there could be multiple reasons your blog isn't generating the ROI it should be.

Let's look at the most common culprits negatively affecting your legal blog and how they can quickly be addressed:

illinois legal blogging

1. Your Law Firm Website Doesn't Have Good User Experience

Before people even start reading the contents of your legal blog, they'll first have to look at and navigate your Illinois law firm website. This means that if your website is error-ridden, slow, hard-to-read, or generally user-unfriendly, people will get turned off quickly. Likewise, if the text or font style isn't readable, they can't read your content.

User experience is a big deal in lawyer SEO and Illinois law firm marketing because it significantly affects your ROI. Bad user experience can lead to low traffic, high bounce rates, and low audience satisfaction. So, before you even post your blog, ensure the site you're publishing them on is well-optimized.

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2. You're Using The Wrong Lawyer Keywords

What drives traffic to you are keywords. If you choose the right keywords, it could increase traffic for your legal blogs. On the other hand, if you don't optimize for keywords or use the wrong ones, you might miss out on organic traffic from ranking in the SERPs.

Remember: For your Illinois law firm content marketing strategy, you must get audiences to see and consume your content. It doesn't matter how good your legal content is if people can't find them.

That said, your choice of keywords also matters. Look for high-volume keywords relevant to your audience and the content you're producing. Additionally, you shouldn't just slap on the highest-ranking keywords because of their search volume; you want them to be relevant to the actual content,

3. Your Legal Content Is Low Quality

It's unlikely for content that is too brief, riddled with spelling mistakes, and filled with irrelevant keywords and titles to persuade anyone to convert. Instead, your content should deliver high-quality information valuable to the audience.

So, you want to do your research, edit your manuscript, optimize for keywords, and proofread your blog posts before posting. The best way to streamline this process would be to create a content calendar to help you manage the relevant tasks and your limited time.

You can also hire a legal content writer if you cannot dedicate time to creating high-quality legal content. Remember, law firm content marketing is all about attracting audiences to your law firm by offering valuable content. New audiences won't have any reason to visit your law firm website if you have nothing quality to provide them with.

4. You Gave Up Too Quickly

Feeling discouraged when few people read your content posts when you are just starting out is normal. What you need to understand about Illinois law firm SEO and lawyer marketing is that it doesn't happen overnight. You'll have to build backlinks, post a good amount of content, and optimize for a couple of high-intent keywords to slowly increase your audience.

From our experience, you won't see significant changes to ROI until weeks of optimizations. It could take even longer if you need a few optimizations and mistakes that need to be undone.

So, allow enough time for readers to discover your law firm site, search engines to index it, and for people to begin coming back to you. But, of course, this won't happen if you give up too quickly, so keep working on your law firm content marketing, and your numbers will ultimately rise.

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